Department of

IPR Vault

Welcome to the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Vault at Shivaji Science Innovation and Incubation Centre! We take pride in announcing that our college students and faculties have successfully registered their innovative ideas and works across various types of intellectual property, including patents and copyrights.

In this exclusive section, we showcase the remarkable IPR achievements of our talented students and dedicated faculty members. Notably, some of our students have secured copyrights not only within India but also internationally, reflecting the global impact of their creative endeavors.

Guiding this journey of intellectual property rights is Dr. Sarang Dhote, the esteemed Incharge of Shivaji Science Innovation and Incubation Centre. Dr. Dhote, through the IPR Consulting Centre of our Innovation Incubation Centre, provides continuous guidance on the intricacies of obtaining and managing IP rights. This ensures that our innovators are not only fostering creativity but also safeguarding their contributions on a global scale.

Explore the IPR Vault to witness the brilliance of our college community and the support provided by our dedicated team in navigating the realm of intellectual property. Your innovative journey begins here!

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Shivaji Science Nagpur

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Shivaji Science Nagpur

Address : Congress Nagar, Nagpur - 440012 (M.S.) India.

+91 712-2423432