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E-Resources created by faculty members under MOOCS - UDEMY - an international platform


A Boot Camp to the Special Theory of Relativity

Udemy has recently approved and launched the course titled A Boot Camp to the Special Theory of Relativity on November 23, 2021. This course caters to both beginners and under- graduate students interested in delving into the subject. The course commences with an explo- ration of the historical background behind the formulation of the special theory of relativity, culminating in the derivation of Einstein’s iconic equation, E = mc2. It is designed to comprehensively cover the syllabi of various universities, ensuring alignment with the interests of students. Traditional topics integral to the subject are systematically addressed throughout the course. Spanning over 8.5 hours of video lecture content, the course is divided into four sections comprising a total of 27 lectures. Each lecture is followed by a quiz to reinforce learning and assess comprehension. Additionally, the final lecture introduces the Relativistic Lagrangian, facilitating a swift transition to the concepts of energy and relativistic momentum. 2371 STUDENTS 4.62 RATING 60 REVIEWS in June 2023


A BootCamp to Nuclear Physics

Udemy has recently launched the course A BootCamp to Nuclear Physics, which went live on May 23, 2022. This course caters to both beginners and undergraduate students enrolled in Physical Sciences and Medical Sciences programs. Featuring a total of 48 lectures spread across 7 sections, the course offers approximately 10 hours of video lecture content. Each section is complemented by a quiz to reinforce learning and assess comprehension. Covering a wide range of topics traditionally included in undergraduate programs at universities, participants can expect a comprehensive exploration of nuclear physics. Designed to appeal to physics enthusiasts and individuals with a passion for the subject, this online program pro- vides an excellent opportunity for amateurs and enthusiasts to deepen their understanding and satisfy their curiosity about nuclear physics. 1423 STUDENTS 4.49 RATING 60 REVIEWS in June 2023

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