Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs) of Four Year Undergraduate Programme for Zoology:
Students will be able to describe, identified, classified and differentiate the animals of different taxonomic ranks. They could differentiate morphological, anatomical, and histological features of different organs and organ-systems of different animal groups. They could understand and analyze the different evolutionary trends among different animal groups.
Students could describe different component of environment and ecosystems an could understand and explain the significance of consequences of deterioration of ecosystem and biodiversity. They could estimate and evaluate the different physic-chemical parameters of waters like DO, dissolved CO2, pH, hardness etc. to deduce its status.
Students could able to describe, sketch and differentiate different cell organelles of animal cell and could examine normal and abnormal cellular physiology. Students could demonstrate cells organelles and acellular components in tissues as well as able to estimate protein, lipid and carbohydrates in tissues.
They could able to describe, interpret inheritance pattern in animals . They could differentiate varied mechanisms controlling inheritance in animals.
They could describe, analyze the different aspect of Applied Zoology. They could understand the practices of apiculture, sericulture, fisheries etc. and acquainted themselves with economic benefit of these practices as well as explain it to others.
Students understand, analyze, interpret the innate and learned behaviour of different animal groups.
Students will be able to perform different experiments which could help them to prove their hypotheses. They could able t o analyze the data with help of different statistical tools. Students will develop capabilities which help them to design and investigate the scientific research work. They could able to draft a scientific write up and could argue, defend his findings based on standard practices of research in Life Science
B.Sc. Sem. I . DSC: BZO1T01
Life and Diversity of Animals - Nonchordates (Protozoa to Annelida)
Theory- 2 Credits + Practical - 1 Credit
Course Outcomes (COs):
Students will able to understand about early phyla viz., Protozoa, Porifera, Coelenterata, Platyhelminthes, Aschelminthes and Annelida.
Students could able to identify, classify and analyze different animals belonging to phylum Protozoa to Annelida on the basis of levels or grades of organization, symmetry, coelom etc. upto class.
Students will learn, analyze, describe a representative animal belonging to phylum Protozoa to Annelida
Students could elucidate and explain uniqueness of phylum Protozoa to Annelida and they could able to demonstrate peculiar tissues, organs of animals belonging to these phyla.
Environmental Biology
Theory- 2 Credits + Practical - 1 Credit
Course Outcomes (COs):
Students will able to describe and explain atmosphere,hydrosphere, lithosphere and energy resources.
Students could describe, elucidate different types and components of ecosystems. They could identify, describe and explain different biotic components and could explain and analyze their role in ecosystem.
Students will describe, explain and aware about the significance and need of biodiversity conservation. They also understand, describe and explain legislations passed to conserve the biodiversity and acquainted themselves to nearby National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries.
They will elucidate and differentiate causes of different types and hazards of pollution.
Students will estimate the different physico-chemical parameters of water to analyze.
B.Sc. Sem. II
Life and Diversity of Animals – Non-Chordates: Life and Diversity of Animals (Arthropoda to Hemichordata)
Theory- 2 Credits + Practical - 1 Credit
Course Outcomes (COs):
1. Students will learn, identify, explain and analyze the taxonomic position of animals belonging to phylum Arthropoda to Hemichordata
2. They could describe, explain and analyze phylogeny to understand the course of evolution in animals from phylum Arthropoda to Hemichordata
3. They will able to describe, explain and differentiate various morphological, anatomical structures and functions of animals of phyla from Arthropoda to Hemichordata.
4. Students will able to understand , describe, explain and differentiate the larval forms and development of the invertebrates from phylum Arthropoda to Hemichordata
5. Students will able to describe, explain and analyze the ecological and economic importance of invertebrates.
6. Students will understand, able to describe, explain and analyze the ecological role of invertebrates in the biodiversity.
Course Outcomes (COs):
Students will able to describe, sketch, analyze, and explain the structure and function of the cell organelles.
Students could describe, sketch, analyze, and explain the structure and function of nucleus and chromatin structure, its location.
Students will able to describe, sketch, analyze, and explain the basic principle of life. Theu could also demonstrate and explain how a cell divides leading to the growth of an organism.
Students could describe, sketch, analyze, and explain how a cell communicates with its neighbouring cells.
Students will able to describe, sketch, analyze, and explain the abnormality in structural and functional aspects of cells.
Students will able handle and use microscopes and oculometer to elucidate and measure and explain the minor details of tissues.
Students will able to demonstrate osmosis. They could also demonstrate and explain mitochondria, salivary gland chromosome and Barr body in cells.
General Elective (GE)/ Open Elective (OE) for FYUGP
GE/OE for B.Sc. I Human anatomy and Physiology BGO1T01
Credit: 2
Course outcomes: After completion of the course, students will able to-
Learn, describe and explain structure and histology of human digestive system.
Learn, describe and explain structure and physiology of excretion and muscles.
Learn, describe and explain structure and physiology of respiration and circulation.
Learn, describe and explain structure and physiology of nervous system.
GE/OE for B.Sc. I Reproductive Biology BGO1T02
Credit: 2
Course outcomes: After completion of the course, students will able to-
Understand, describe and explain the male reproductive system.
Understand, describe and explain the female reproductive system.
Understand, describe and explain menstrual cycle.
Understand, describe and explain spermatogenesis, oogenesis and fertilization.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)PSO For M.Sc. Zoology
1-Students will acquire techniques and skills to implement the knowledge in thedesign and execution of research in different branches of Zoology. This will help in careersrelated to teaching, research in Zoology; as well as in having innovative ideas andnecessary training to initiate unique start-ups and entrepreneurship in the realm of life sciences.
2- To learn and apply the ethics in animal handling, during laboratory practices and experimentation.
3- In addition to the curriculum, the students will also gain skill-based learning, practical knowledge to facilitate experiments in the subject Zoology.
4- Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Zoology and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader ina team.
5- To acquired knowledge across a broad range of Zoology including recent trendswhich will help to solve the scientific problem logically in the context of biologicalprocess. Thus, leading to self-directed learning and evaluation.
PSO 6- Perform laboratory procedures as per standard protocols in various areas of Zoology including Animal Diversity, Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology,Physiology, Developmental Biology, Comparative Endocrinology, Immunology,Mammalian Reproductive Physiology, Fish and Fisheries and Entomology.
7- Understand the applications of zoological science in Apiculture, Sericulture, Lac culture, Fish and Fisheries, Mammalian Reproductive Physiology and Animal Physiology.
8- Develop knowledge and understanding of living organisms at several levels of Zoological and Biological organization from molecular level, through cells and ultimatelythe whole organisms and its impact on ecosystems.
9- To develop interest and elective modules by selecting specialization in variousaspects and understanding the methods of zoological research.
10- The M. Sc. Program will lead the students to impart a scientific temperamentwhich will help them to add new scientific knowledge/information in the field of Zoologyresearch.