Dr. Sarang Sahebrao Dhote

Email : sarang.dhote@sscnagpur.ac.in

Name : Dr. Sarang Sahebrao Dhote

Gender : Male

Designation : Assistant Professor

Department : Chemistry


Date of Joining : 23/09/2019

Address : Department of Chemistry, Shivaji Science College, Nagpur MS, India

City : Nagpur

State : Maharashtra

Country : India

Email Address : sarang.dhote@sscnagpur.ac.in

Phone [Residence] : -

Phone [Mobile] : 9822463373

No. Degree/Diploma Institute/ Organization Year Branch/Specialization
1 Ph. D.  (Philosophy of Doctorate ) Polymer and Separation Science 2016 Thin Layer Chromatographic Separation of Heavy Metal Ions
No. Book Published Year
1 G- Mapping: Plantation, Conservation, Regular Monitoring, and Awareness of Plants in LIFE SCIENCES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 2022
2 1. Micellar Thin Layer Chromatography Part 1 2013

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Shivaji Science Nagpur

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