• A College with Potential for Excellence
  • Member of APQN
  • Recognized centre for higher learning
  • An ISO 21001:2018 Certified Institution
  • A Mentor College under UGC Paramarsh Scheme
  • NIRF 2024 rank band 201 - 300


Attendance of Students

1) Every student must attend more than 75% of the lectures and practical delivered in every month in each of their subjects. Students enrolled in N.C.C. or N.S.S. programme must put in 80% attendance in respective activities. If the attendance is short the name of such students can be removed from the roll and EBC list and such student will have to pay full tuition fee to the college.

2) A candidate attending theory and practical classes less than 75% in any subject shall be debarred from  appearing at the examination as per the MS Board Regulation (Part-II) 197 & Para 25 Page 15 (for junior college students) and as per para-6-A (i) (ii) of ordinance-6 and para (ii) of ordiance-8 of the Nagpur University.

3) Absence from classes without any valid reason will imply imposition of heavy fine and/or suspension from classes.


1) The students must conform to the rules and discipline of the college and the hostel. The object of discipline is to help the students to develop their potentialities in an orderly way to promote a healthy relation between the teachers and the taught as also to preserve a peaceful academic atmosphere essential for study.

2) All students must regulate their lives according to the prescribed routine of study and work. They will have to keep to the simple standard of living and to their own works themselves as far as practicable and be regular and punctual in all matters.

3) College uniform is compulsory.

College Rules and Regulations

The following rules have been framed for maintenance of discipline for the students of this college.

1) Students shall have to obey all orders of the Principal, either special or customary. They will be directly answerable to him for their behavior in general, both inside and outside the college. The students found breaking rules of the college administration or behaving in an in disciplined manner will be removed from the college roll.  It will be presumed on admission that the students, their parents and / or guardians have read & concurred with these rules.

2. Students should behave respectfully with all the staff members of the college and with their fellow students. Any act of disobedience, improper and discourteous exchange of words or passing of indecent remarks specially at the girl students is a punishable offence and will be viewed seriously.

3. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited. If any incident of ragging comes to the notice of the authority, the concerned student shall be given liberty to explain and if his/her explanations is not found satisfactory, strict action will be taken.

4. Smoking in college premises and chewing in class room is strictly prohibited.

5. Students should follow the dress code strictly.

6. The use of mobile phone in college premises is strictly prohibited.

7. Students unable to attend the classes due to some genuine reason should submit the application to the college office before the commencement of the leave of absence. The applications requesting leave on medical grounds especially at the time of the college examination will be treated as invalid if not accompanied by a Medical Certificate.

8. Student should specially see that they use college books, room furniture, laboratory equipments and the college property in general, most carefully. The cost of damage done to it would be recoverable from students either individually or collectively as the case may be.

9. Only special notices shall be read out in classroom. Students should see the Notice Board daily and keep themselves well informed about the various notices from time to time.

10. Any change either in local or permanent address of the student should be informed to the Admission Clerk so that normal contact with his or her is not hampered.

11. Every enrolled student should obtain from the college library an Identity / Admission Card. A passport size photograph has to be duly pasted on it. Every student should preserve this card carefully with him/her in order to produce it on demand as and when required.

12. No student shall directly send anything concerned with the college for publication either to press of elsewhere without the prior approval and the necessary permission from the Principal of the college, nor shall approach the President or the C.D.C. Members except through the college Principal. Any breach of this may lead to outright expulsion of the student from the college.

13. Students are not authorized to form unions or societies in the College without the prior consent of the Principal. They shall also not invite guests or arrange any function at their own initiative.

14. Excursions or tours should not be arranged by the students without the prior permission of the Principal. The attention of the parents/guardians is specially invited to the fact that they should not permit their sons/daughters/wards to take part in the tour unless a letter to that effect is issued by the Principal. Any breach of the above rules will amount to an offence punishable according to the degree of its seriousness. The punishment will be given by the Principal and his decision in this matter shall be final.

15. The Principal reserves the right to remove from the college roll, the name of any student for-

i) Failure to pay the college dues.

ii) Failure to come up to the academic standard. (Progress and attendance)

iii) Failure to obey the rules of conduct for students.

iv) Conduct which in the opinion of the Principal is unsatisfactory.

16. The students will not be allowed to meet their outside friends during the college hours. They should restrain themselves from inviting their outside friends to the college otherwise disciplinary action will be taken against them.


